Happy New Year! Is It Spring Already?

Everyone talks about the Spring market being the busiest in Real Estate. Did you know it can really begin in our area as soon as the end of January depending on the weather? If the winter’s not been too severe, buyers will be out looking almost as soon as the holiday decorations have been stored for next year, vacations have come to an end and the kids are back in school. Since many of our citizens are tied to the financial services industries, bonus distribution time often determines the family budget for the year. Once this figure is known, people can more confidently know what they want to spend if a move is in their plans. All of the activity seems to come to a crescendo in March with sales beginning to taper off in May when thoughts turn to graduations, weddings and summer plans. When all the closings are being reported in April through June, people often forget those contracts were typically signed 45 to 60 days prior.


When are buyers most likely to purchase your home?

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